Thursday, 4 March 2010

Experimenting with Broken Glass.

We as me and my group related anger with broken glass. When anger we found that you want to break things throw thing and smash things. So with a polystyrene ball , glues and a collection of broken glass. I began to stuck the broken piece on to the ball. It looks like a nice object, very delicate but can cause pain when touched. So now we'll have to think of a way of opening the product in a frustrating way which makes the customer/client angry when trying to open it. Now we need to start looking into a way to make it frustrating to open.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Magazine cover

Creating my own magazine cover. Firstly we started with the heading of the magazine 'CREATIVE VISION'. We had to take are time selecting a type and mess around with the size. Then out of the 5 picture given we had to choose one we wanted to work with. Then basically mess around with the size, shape and colour of the picture, type and random shapes.

Heres the image I used and the cover of the magazine I created.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Experimenting with are ideas for emotion anger

Within are group we got together with and combined all the thing/materials we collected for emotion anger. We talked about are ideas and started combining them and experimenting.

Reconstruction of MTV logo

This was a really useful and enjoyable Workshop. I was able to up grade my knowledge of illustrator and develop the knowledge into skills.

MTV logo

My logo